Name: Brazil Coin
Ticker: BRA
Type: Pow/Pos Hybrid forever
Algo: QuarkCheckpoint Span: 3150 Blocks
DB Cache Size is set to 25 MB as DefaultStealth AddressesMasternodesMessaging
The minimum required confirmations for Mined coins to be spent/used is 100 blocks
The Proof of stake block time is set to 80 seconds a block
The Target Timespan is set to 15 minutes
The Modifier Interval is set to 15 minutesBlock - 100 = 0 Per Block (Anti Instamine)
Block 101 and after will remain at = 500 BRA per block
Proof of Stake is set to start at Block 1,000
The minimum Stake Age for coins to stake is set to 2 hours.
The maximum Stake Age for coins to stake is set to 21 days.
The minimum required confirmations for coins to be spent/used is 100 blocks
The Proof of stake block time is set to 80 seconds a block
The Target Timespan is set to 15 minutes
The Modifier Interval is set to 15 minutesThe Proof of Stake interest for Brazil Coin:
Block 1,000 - 1,100 = 0 coins Per block
Block 1.101 - 10,000 = 100 %
Block 10,001 - 20,000 = 90 %
Block 20,001 - 30,000 = 80 %
block 30,001 - 40,000 = 70 %
Block 40,001 - 50,000 = 60 %
Block 50,001 - 60,000 = 50 %
block 60,001 - 70,000 = 40 %
Block 70,501 - 80,000 = 30 %
Block 80,001 - 90,000 = 20 %
Block 90,001 - 100,000 = 10%
block 100,001 Onwards is set to 1% Per Year
All % Based Proof Of Stake rewards are yearly based not daily
The Transaction Fee for Brazil is set to 0.01 BRA per kb
The Minimum Confirmations Required for a Transaction to be fully confirmed is 2 Blocks
Instantx signatures required is set to 6 blocks
Instantx signatures required total is set to 20 blocks
Bra required amount for Darksend Collateral is: 10,000
Bra required amount for Darksend fee: 0.01
Bra required amount for Darksend Pool Max: 9,999,999
Masternode minimum confirmations is set to 6 blocks
Masternode Reward has been set to 1,000 BRA Per BlockMasternodes are due to start on Thursday, September 21, 2017 10:00:00 AMThe easiest way for this is if you use coin control to put that amount into one and
send it yourself and/or use an exchange to withdraw that amount to your address ie send
10,000 coins exactly to your masternode wallet.
Select the Masternode tab from the left hand side menu
Then select My Master Nodes
Then press create
Insert your alias name as requested
insert your ip address along with the port as requested ie 123.456.789.000:9999
Then press ok
You should now see a masternode on the list infront of you
copy the address to notepad or your preffered txt editor
Now press Get Config
copy/paste the Masternode Priv Key & your address and paste them into the masternode.conf below
send exactly
10,000 coins with the standard tx fee nothing more nothing less to the masternode
address you copied
wait for it to confirm in the blockchain
Now make sure you have opened your port in Firewall / router if you have one
Running MasternodeWay 1Goto Masternode Tabs on the left hand menu
And press start
Way 2Goto console in the debug window
Type masternode start
If you have an Encrypted wallet
Type masternode start PASSWORDHERE
To see the status of your masternode
Type masternode list
