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Messages - shbour

Pages: [1]
Coin Home / Re: Spectre Security Coin [MN/POS/POW] and AltCoin Services
« on: August 23, 2019, 05:30:43 AM »
This is a great project that aims to make your crypto business (non-crypto as well) safer from vulnerabilities.

If you want some tutorials on youtube to reach more people and make it easier for the community to setup their wallet, let me know.

Coin Home / Re: [ANN] Gtacoin - Business on the Blockchain - LAUNCHED!
« on: February 15, 2017, 08:22:42 PM »

Proof-of-work algorithm: SCRYPT (mineable with qt console only) : ex "mine 30 blocks" = generate 30 10000

How can it be minable with the qt console only and have a pool? That makes it not "QT minable only"

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