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Messages - taufik123

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 Dear Bitcoingarden Community,
We are excited to announce First ever SMART AIRDROP of ETH GAS Token: "eGAS".
Smart functions of ETH network allows us to create a First ever Smart Airdrop.


Advantages of this method:

    - Anonymous and instant distribution
    - No personal data collection, forget about google forms and personal data leaks
    - Zero cost to participate, transaction fee apply only
    - Easy to manage Airdrop settings on setup stage


eGAS is the first token that is not just another worthless token:

    - eGAS it is Smart Airdrop as Service (SAaS) solution that will be deployed next year
    - You will be able to build and control your Smart Airdrop with eGAS SAaS
    - It will have an intuitive and reliable interface
    - You will be able to use eGAS token as payment for yours Smart Airdrop deployment
    - Some of the eGAS holder will get tokens from future Smart Airdrops automatically (see Option 2 of eGAS smart airdrop participation)


You will ask why we do not do ICO for our product? Here is the answer:

    - Our team believes that to create a quality product can be done without significant investments
    - We will keep only 9% of the eGAS tokens to cover some expenses
    - eGAS first of its kind and there will be more. We will get profit along with our customers from the future SAaS product
    - Highly professional team inside of an IT company with long history is able to do a side project on a growing market at almost no cost. Sorry, but we will not  reveal our identity due to lack of regulations



eGAS tokens will be released in blocks. Blocks have period of 10 minutes. Each block contains 10000 plus bonus eGAS tokens. Only 50 request per 10 minutes can be processed.
10 min/block, 10000 eGAS/block, limited to 50 Airdrop request/block, one week distribution,
request your eGAS tokens as many times as you want.

Smart Contract Address

The SMART AIRDROP request can be done only by calling the function Airdrop() of the Smart Contract, transaction fee apply


Do not send ETH directly to the Contract Address - it will be rejected!


How to Request your eGAS tokens:

*You required to have an ETH wallet with some ETH balance
enough to pay transaction fee

Free to participate, transaction fee apply
Anyone can get tokens
Instant token transfer

Go to wallet

2. Open "Contracts" tab
3. Enter the contract address: 0x8BBf4dD0f11B3a535660fD7fCB7158DaEBd3a17E
4. In the "ABI / JSON Interface" insert the ABI located here:
5. Click Access button
6. Scroll down to the area "Read / Write Contract" select the function "SmartAirdrop"
7. Click "Write"
8. Chose your Keystore / JSON File
9. Enter password and unlock your wallet
10. Generate and send 0 ETH Transaction (Make sure you have some ETH, network Fees apply)
11. Gas limit is 200000
12. You will instantly receive 200 plus bonus eGAS tokens
13. You can repeat these steps as many as you want to get more tokens.


1. Go to
2. Open "Contracts" tab
3. Enter the contract address: 0x8BBf4dD0f11B3a535660fD7fCB7158DaEBd3a17E
4. In the "ABI / JSON Interface" insert the ABI located here:
5. Click Access button
6. Scroll down to the area "Read / Write Contract" select the function "SmartAirdrop"
7. Click "Write"
8. Chose your Keystore / JSON File
9. Enter password and unlock your wallet
10. Generate and send transaction with some amount of ETH
11. Gas limit is 200000
12. You will instantly receive 200 plus bonus eGAS tokens
The top 3 donations per ETH address will receive following rewards:
1st - 60,000 eGAS
2nd - 30,000 eGAS
3rd - 10,000 eGAS
13. You can repeat these steps as many as you want to get more tokens.

Addresses with donations more than 0.1 ETH
will be whitelisted and get tokens from future Smart Airdrops automatically!


All Transactions can be verified on the eGAS block explorer here:

The source code can be verified here:

Bounty is simple(3 days to complete):
10 translations to a different to English and make a post in local sections - 10000 eGAS each, please reserve it and PM @eGAS after completion.
10 unique articles on popular cryptoblog platforms - 10000 eGAS each. PM to @eGAS user with completed links
Release after Smart Airdrop complete.

I'll be happy to discuss with you about the project.
Please Join us on our Social Media channels:

Thanks in advance,

Bounty reservations:

Translations(4 still available):
koishikoko, Japanese.
lachance7777, French
S3rj0, italian
ryzaadit, Indonesian
asanezz7, Filipino
shewadiwadi Turkish
Cashat - Arabic

Articles: (7 still available)
TedMosby - Goosebit website
bonsel - jon-cox website
kamvreto - cryptocurrencytalk


bingung buat wallet nya  ;D ;D ;D
tinggal download walletnya di link atas gan. nnti buka app trus liat bagian recieved.. itu address walletnya

Buat walletnya dimna gan?

wallet bisa download di link atas gan. untuk Windows dan Linux


Akhir-akhir ini menjadi waktu yang sibuk bagi kami. pada akhir kami berhasil dan akan memulai topik baru, bahkan kami telah bekerja begitu keras agar semua ini siap. Sekarang anda akan mendapatkan koin KOI pertama anda. Untuk mendapatkannya sangat mudah dan gratis. Anda hanya perlu mengerjakan beberapa tugas kecil. dalam beberapa hari berikutnya kami akan merilis beberapa tugas Airdrop.

1. Dapatkan 200 KOI koin
  - Ikuti, retweet dan like tweet kami di twitter.
twitter official

2. Dapatkan 200 KOI koin
 - like, bagikan & posting tentang koin KOI di facebook.
Facebook Official

Ikuti kami untuk pekerjaan lainnya

jangan lupa posting wallet address anda pada thread official.

Original Topic:

Selamat datang di KOI koin. KOI koin merupakan project pertama yang di dedikasikan untuk dunia ikan KOI dan akan di perkenalkan melalui Mata Uang Digital. Semua orang tahu mengenai keindahan dan berbagai corak warna ikan KOI, maka kami mengadakan project ini. Sebelumnya kami akan memberi tahu lebih lanjut mengenai koin hibrida POW/POS kami. kami juga berterima kasih kepada semua pihak yang membantu dalam mengembangkan proyek koin KOI ini.

TIM KOI yang kami rekrut merupakan teman-teman sekelompok internet, tetapi juga dengan orang yang memiliki latar belakang mengenai koin / mata uang digital. target yang ingin kami capai adalah altcoin sehat dalam jangka panjang. yang dapat di perdagangkan di banyak pasar exchange/pertukaran di masa depan. kita berpikir bahwa komunitas ini akan membantu KOI koin lebih besar sesuai dengan yang di harapkan.

Scypt PoW/PoS
RPC port   19662
P2P port   19661
Block reward   25 coins
Total coin supply   5b coins
Premine percent   10%
PoS percentage   175% per year
Last PoW block   block 4m
Coinbase maturity   10 blocks
Target spacing   64 seconds
Target timespan   1 block
Transaction confirmations   6 blocks

TIM RAPAT: Kami datang dengan ide koin sendiri
TIM PERTEMUAN: Kami memilih nama KOI koin
Desain Logo kami.
Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak.
Penelitian untuk menyewa server yang baik.
Kami akan membantu penginstalan daemon dan dompet.
Blockchain kami akhirnya hidup.
Dalam fase desain dari topic.
Pendaftaran dan pembuatan topic kita di dalam forum Bitcoingarden.
Mulai dari tahap pemasaran.

Situs Exchange pertama akan hadir dalam beberapa hari

Selamat datang untuk para penambang

Blockexplore kami akan segera hadir

Merchants kami akan segera hadir

Siapa yang ingin membantu untuk penerjemah? 1000 koin

Untuk saat ini semuanya sudah tercapai. Kami berharap anda tetap mengikuti perkembangan KOI koin, karena proyek ini masih dalam tahap yang sangat awal. Kami semua berharap yang terbaik

Dev team.

Reserve indonesian translate

My nickname: taufik123
Date avatar: June 25 , 2017
My wallet: BTRKrLKxEpX553nuQAwT8P2bLLnCyQKWQx


« on: June 17, 2016, 03:17:41 AM »

Address: MXqiPuMRL1VfW28v8QxWbe2ahKuNpAa7SW



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