Events / CoinFest comes to Russia | February 20-22, 2015
« on: December 22, 2014, 01:07:42 PM »
In February 2015, for the first time in Russia will be the International festival dedicated Cryptocurrency and new technologies in the field of finance - CoinFest.org. The organizer of the festival is the Crypto Currencies Foundation Russia (CCFR.info), already noted the successful experience in organizing and holding such events - in August 2014 in St. Petersburg CCFR organized the 1st international conference-forum CryptoForum.info.
#CoinFestRussia website - CoinFestRussia.com
#CoinFestRussia Twitter - twitter.com/CoinFestRussia
Invite all interested to place a reminder in his notebooks and take part in #CoinFestRussia. To cooperate invited experts with experience in public speaking and lectures, as well as representatives of the business community and specialized media to discuss mutually beneficial partnership.
Participation in #CoinFestRussia to visitors free of charge! Always will be.
#CoinFestRussia website - CoinFestRussia.com
#CoinFestRussia Twitter - twitter.com/CoinFestRussia
Invite all interested to place a reminder in his notebooks and take part in #CoinFestRussia. To cooperate invited experts with experience in public speaking and lectures, as well as representatives of the business community and specialized media to discuss mutually beneficial partnership.
Participation in #CoinFestRussia to visitors free of charge! Always will be.