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Messages - abaid

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Crypto Discussion / ♨♨♨ Bitcoin Fees Are Outrageous ♨♨♨
« on: August 27, 2018, 09:37:21 PM »
90% of all bitcoin owners have less than 0.1 BTC each

the fees to transfer $100 worth of BTC cost around $25. that is outrageous

that means 90% of the owners cant even afford to transfer their coins without losing a lot of money

To start with:  the Bitcoin-Gold blockchain  does NOT recognize Bitcoin addresses -- this prevents  Bitcoin holders from claiming their   Bitcoin Gold.  (eg the valid Bitcoin Address   -- 169zTY9mS1irnbSo5HVkjM7Cq41eJho4oW --  is not recognized by the Bitcoin-gold blockchain.) Very SIMPLE SCAM:  when you open a BTCG wallet and try to claim your BTCG you give the scammers your seed so they can clean out your wallet.
 BUT - FAR-FAR WORSE:  -- On WINDOWS  the BTCG-Electrum Wallet  puts a startup-program on your computer that you CANNOT  delete until you uninstall the electrum bTCG wallet  -- and even then you cannot be sure that malware is not left behind to access and drain all the other wallets on your computer... and perhaps all future wallets you put on your computer..

  Please do not be stupid enough to assume  that those people who put videos on UtUBE that  show you how to "SAFELY " claim the new Fork-coins ... do not assume they are not a crucial part of  the scam. 

Crypto Discussion / Must Read
« on: August 27, 2018, 09:35:07 PM »
I am posting this on Bitcoin Discussion Section because most of people are here. Perhaps you might find my opinion shared by many people on the Meta Section.

Please, guys. Give us a favor and stop posting on megathreads. No one is really going to jump to page 170 to read what you stated. No one will take time to read even the minority of what is said. Do you not think it is annoying to see a thread, for example, "Why should people use Bitcoin?" with more than 3000 replies? I mean, I used to post on megathreads in the past. Yet, I had found out it was really pointless. Even the OP will not have time to answer you.
If you, guys, agree with me, then I will really appreciate it if you stop spamming this section.

Thanks in advance.

hi there
I wonder why should governments allow bitcoin to continue growing?
after all, they want to have control over the money that we are using

Crypto Discussion / What aspects of cryptoland bore the shit out of you?
« on: August 27, 2018, 08:05:25 PM »
If you've been into this for a while there must now be areas, attitudes and subjects that are an instant turn off for you.

What are they?

Among many things I think the main one for me is the seemingly never ending parade of staggering stupidity. How people still fall for things like these Twitter giveaway scams is beyond me. It's so obvious it makes my tits burst. The rabid willingness of people to hand over their appreciating and irreversible money to people one knows nothing about promising agonisingly obvious bollocks seemingly never fails.

Another one is the speed at which sentiment turns. A drop of a few hundred dollars means zero by the end of the week. It goes up a few hours later, 100k by tomorrow. For some reason there can never be a middle ground where not a great deal happens either way. I see this even from the oldest of hands on occasion.

My personal pet loathing supreme is when a government seizes coins and all the bubbleheads here screech about it being dumped on Yobit, despite them obviously going to auction or disappearing in a private sale.

Now vent.

Crypto Discussion / Let’s open transaction details?
« on: August 27, 2018, 08:03:25 PM »
Sorry if it sounds stupid, but does it make sense to have an option to specify the transaction details and make them public/visible as some kind of advertisement:”Sold large pizza in LA”. Could it be good for buyers/sellers, for Bitcoin popularity as well?

i just thinking what if those bounty manager of signature campaign gives merit to their participants, it will help each other the bounty will be advertise and the participants can have merit that requires to rank up, its a little bit harder to being ranked up.

Crypto Discussion / Best credit cards to spend directly btc?
« on: August 27, 2018, 07:55:06 PM »
Hi all!

Any news about goid credit cards? Which are the best for conditions, fees, etc? Xapo, Wirex... experiences?

Crypto Discussion / Why bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are banned?
« on: August 26, 2018, 08:52:41 PM »
Some banks and corporations said they’re halting purchases of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies on their credit cards. Banning it because they don’t want the credit risk associated with the transactions. Some says that allowing purchases of cryptocurrencies can create big headaches for lenders, which can be left on the hook if a borrower bets wrong and can’t repay.

It's not so straightforward to buy bitcoin  in the Middle East. Yes, I have tried everything. If bitcoin was about the free world, why all the exchanges ask for very strict verification that even the stock exchanges don't ask for?  I have never had to take a selfie with my passport in my entire 40 yrs of life until I came in to the bitcoin world, what the heck?!! All the exchanges take ages to verify and when they do, they discriminate those from the middle east. Most of them don't allow us to use fiat currency to buy bitcoin, so how the hell new comers will buy it? The barriers of entry to the bitcoin world are too many for people in middle east, am sick of it.

I find the conventional banks much easier to deal with than  the bitcoin exchanges. Guess what? I was successfully registered in one after waiting for a month, only to be told I can't spend more than  300 Dollars a week in buying bitcoin, seriously??? I freaking have thousands of dollars to invest and they want me to spend 300 dollars a week for a coin worth $2500???

Now, the easy way is to buy from others, but I am gonna have to pay a premium of 10 to 20 pct above fair market value to buy and that's BS!

I am thinking to start my own ICO for an exchange that has commercial sense an open to the world. We need a revolution here.

Crypto Discussion / Bitcoin in darknet
« on: August 26, 2018, 08:45:25 PM »
Im a newbie on darkweb. for frankly i was there for some digital gadgets.  but when i was there i didn't see anything but drag, Hacking, Fake Paypal and many more thing.
i was there for a digital camera :-P. 
There are nothing.

Trading / 52 Million BTC shorts since the open of the US marked today
« on: August 26, 2018, 08:42:29 PM »
Crazy already:
52 Million dollars opened in BTC shorts since the open of the US market today.

Crypto Discussion / How would centralized Bitcoin be like?
« on: August 26, 2018, 08:40:00 PM »
Centralized Bitcoin would be limited supply by the banks and the government and I think it would actually success faster than the actual Bitcoin and would already catch a mass adoption by millions at some countries due to way better regulations and partnerships with central banks but I think it wouldn't be a "revolution" such Bitcoin is. It wouldn't be game-changing in our economic system so it would be just a waste idea but it would be quite funny to see the government and all the banks trying to convince us to buy Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is what it is. But what would it be like if it would be centralized, managed by the government and central banks?

Crypto Discussion / What if FUDs related Bitcoin become real?
« on: August 25, 2018, 05:45:09 PM »
What will you do then?

Due to lack of legal currency status within any jurisdiction, IRS treats Bitcoin as property for the purpose of collecting taxes. This determination is likely to cause difficulties, especially when Bitcoin prices fluctuate, the volume of transactions continues to grow, and other tax compliance issues are taken into account.

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