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AtromG8 gets Featured on Hackernoon


Blockchain technology is rewriting the rules of business, economics, and society itself. The technology holds the potential of being the perfect catalyst and solution to the overriding concerns of economies and societies. AtromG8 has identified the inadequacies of the existing social structures and solves these overriding concerns by leveraging the incredible potential of Blockchain technology.

Recently, AtromG8 was featured in Hackernoon’s “Top 20 Promising Blockchain Projects in 2020”. The disruptive privacy-oriented platform has been marked as an ecosystem revolutionizing security and privacy in the messaging & payments.

What makes AtromG8 so unique and innovative?

ATROMG8 is a futuristic service-to-society (S-t-S) community leveraging emerging technologies to contribute significantly towards the development of communication and value exchange systems. As the world shifts from being competitive to becoming more collaborative, AtromG8’s groundbreaking blockchain landscape and unique Multi-DLT, supported by ‘Innovative MixNet 5.0’ would bridge the gap between consumer and service provider. 

ATROMG8’s multidimensional & multichain platform aims to provide multiple services in one application. Thus, ensuring security and privacy with its three fundamental elements: a safe communication ecosystem, integration of payment gateways and country-specific offerings with licensed service providers for the real-time ecosystem.

Hackernoon believes that AtromG8’s decentralized ecosystem is going to flourish with a hefty number of users and gain incredible traction in the near future. This is because the ATROMG8 Messenger with its innate payment gateway (ATROM GATE) facility will not only help realize the value in sharing ideas in real-time but also in the transfer of funds аnd new ways of corporations between existing networks. The disruptive infrastructure enables immutable and transparent interactions and transactions among its users.

The idea of developing an enterprise Blockchain ledger that allows Blockchain networks to access the decentralized ledger and carry out transactions exclusively via direct satellite communication makes the transactions on AtromG8’s platform secure and unsusceptible to cyber-attacks and data thefts. Hackernoon believes us to be one of the most promising Blockchain Projects of 2020 because we value the security and privacy of our users. By using direct satellite communication, we limit the involvement with the internet, thus eliminating the threats and losses inflicted by it. AtromG8 pledges to make a decentralized world where gender, race, origin, religion and financial structure don’t obstruct learning.

The new IDSP on blockchain application is designed to promote and support a balanced educational structure worldwide for students and faculty to learn without barriers. With the trust inflicted by their users and Hackernoon, AtromG8’s blockchain-built innovations have emerged to solve existing inefficiencies and build a better collaborative and decentralized world.

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