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Orbitcoin: Freedom to the Scientific Community


Orbitcoin was born from the Internet, bringing the freedom of physical money to the virtual world while making payments easier and more secure in both worlds. Why? Because the devs, just like you and me, don’t like central banks and corrupt governments, and would love to see them lose their monopoly. If you haven’t noticed, they aren’t so happy about Bitcoin and all the other coins out there. And they will try to stop them. Orbitcoin’s goal is to be used on darknets like I2P, Tor and others as well as the normal Internet (clearnet) + in the low Earth’s orbit. At the current moment it works with SOCKS over I2P/Tor. Native support for I2P should be in place soon. It’s an advanced Scrypt based PoW/PoS coin and has some other nice features, too.

This is by far the first crypto coin to truly help science. The Orbitcoin Foundation mission goal is to support open source science and bring some of that power back to the people. Orbitcoin was born from the Internet, bringing the freedom of physical money to the virtual world while making payments easier and more secure in both worlds. Orbitcoin can offer an alternative to previous cumbersome and costly systems, and it can increase online business access to developing countries, as well as helping to advance open source science.

Orbitcoin is set to bring the Seed node of Freedom to the Scientific community. Once Orbitcoin gains enough public awareness they will be able to offer funding to scientist that would like to investigate these theories currently but know that their reputation would be ruined if they were to ask for funding from their normal sources to look deeper into these things.

Orbitcoin cryptocurrency cover logo image 2

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