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Author Topic: StarkaCoin (Altcoin for Minecraft)  (Read 774 times)


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StarkaCoin (Altcoin for Minecraft)
« on: June 06, 2016, 12:47:04 AM »
StarkaCoin is a new altcoin that I have made and I know a lot of you don't like the idea of new altcoins because there are so many of them out there but mine is unique in the sense that its use is directed towards being a currency for a Minecraft server but can of course be used for other things as well. We do NOT have a plugin for in-game use of the altcoin yet but we are looking for someone who may know how to make one and if you may know how to make a Minecraft plugin for altcoin use then please send me a PM. I have listed the altcoin information and the Minecraft server information below. Thank you all for reading.

Altcoin Infromation:

Algorithm SHA256
Type PoW
Coin name StarkaCoin
Coin abbreviation SAC
Address letter S
Block reward 28 coins
Total coin supply 1,600,000 coins (1.6 million)
Premine percent 2% 
Premine amount 32,000 coins

Minecraft server Information:


Also as you can see the coin has a low total coin supply of only 1.6 million and a low premine of only 2% and the premine is meant to help get the coin going financially by hopefully being able to sell some of it to help pay for hosting of the coin and hosting for the Minecraft server and other costs that may come up.


Here is the download link and instructions.

Once you download the wallet you need to Create the file %appdata%/StarkaCoin/StarkaCoin.conf with the following content: addnode=

and to mine go to Help then click Debug Window and That is the console where you will execute all commands. Type this command to start mining your first block:

setgenerate true -1
If you want to use a specific number of CPU cores, instead of -1, type the number of cores


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