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Author Topic: [ANN][PROFIT POOL] LeetPools x11, x13, Scrypt Switching Pool - BTC Payouts!  (Read 1320 times)


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LeetPools is the latest generation profit switching pool built around the ideas of simplicity, efficiency, anonymity, and security. Simply pick which port you wish to mine on, use your BTC address as your user name, and let your miners run wild. We will take care of the rest.

  • Proportional Payout System - Get paid for all your shares
  • User Dashboard - See how much you have accumulated per algorithm you mine, see your hashes, and check your payouts. Quick and simple. To view your dashboard simply type this url:
  • Automated Payouts – Once your balance reaches the minimum threshold, it is automatically sent to your BTC Address. Did you mine on multiple algorithms? No problem, the balance counts across ALL THREE algorithm balances.
  • Simple Stats – Our profitability engine takes snapshots of current BTC per DAY per MEGAHASH for each algorithm and displays them so you can get a quick estimate of what you can expect to earn.
  • Balance Transparency – View the pools current balance and watch coins move from immature, waiting to be exchanged, to real BTC balance.

Other Information:
2.5% pool fee 1% During beta!
Active admins
Coins constantly being rotated and added into profit rotation

We will be actively monitoring and tweaking the profit algorithms as users begin mining. After a closed alpha testing period, the pool is ready. During this beta period, we will be adding and removing coins from profit rotation. As hashes increase, we will re-introduce higher difficulty coins into the profit rotation. You can expect to see some restarts of the stratum during this process. Our graphs are currently being worked on and optimized.

Remember: The more hashes the pool gets, the quicker we find blocks, the faster we get paid :) Lets get some power up in here :D

Please use this thread to post any tweaks you suggest or feature requests, as well as any issues or concerns.

Hit us up on:
#Leetpools @ Freenode IRC


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