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Messages - Mousecoin

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Thumbs up for mousecoin!

Good sir, please send me your Mousecoin address! :) squeek squeek



The goal of the project is quite simple: deploy a fun, large count coin for everyone to be able to get in on and ejoy! Everyone can have a mouse!


Name: Mousecoin
Ticker: MICE
Total coins: 92 Trillion
Block time: 2.1 Minutes
Block retarget: Dark Gravity Wave V3.0
Staking maturity: 45 Minutes [maximum 21 days]
Mined maturity: 7 blocks
TX maturity: 6 blocks
Algorithm: SHA256 PoW/PoS | PoS only after block 92K
PoS staking: 250% [doubles every 20K blocks]
PoS stake arch: doubles each 20K block til block 600 then halves down to 150%
PoW reward: 1100 MICE per block
PoW blocks: 92K
Port: 11215
rpcPort: 11115


Airdrop - Novaexchange Novaexchange will be conducting an airdrop where everyone can get some MICE, thank you nova!

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