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Bounty Programs / Vyral ‘Proof-of-Share’ Bounty Referral Program
« on: November 29, 2017, 11:13:34 AM »
One of the most exciting features of the Vyral Network is the concept of “Proof-of-Share.”
To kickstart the actual “Proof-of-Share” that will happen directly with the token sale where purchasers will use Vyral Keys to earn rewards directly on the blockchain for their referrals, we are launching a pre-token sale bounty program.
It’s easy — Share & Earn SHARE.
Simply put, whenever someone else enters your Ethereum address when joining our Telegram as their referral key, you will earn bonus SHARE tokens.

Start earning free coins:


Welcome to the official blog of Robomed Network – an innovative medical network!

Robomed Network issues its own tokens to support smart contract between healthcare providers and patients. RBM smart medical contract elevates service value by granting its owner full accomplishment of clinical guidelines for specific case by healthcare provider.  Robomed clinical guidelines are subject to constant improvement by the professional medical community, motivated for higher goals and bonuses by Robomed Network.

How will behave the RBM currency after entering the market?
At the project development stage, until the demand for value-oriented medical services reaches the saturation limit, it is expected that monthly purchases of RBM will exceed RBM sales (exchange for other currencies). Thus, the price of RBM will grow over the long term, backed by the real product fulfilment with confirmed demand.

Why do you think people will buy RBM smart medical contacts?
The answer is simple but perhaps may not be obvious to everyone. Healthcare is ought to be driven by a relentless focus on delivering outcomes that truly matter to patients and to society in a financially sustainable manner. But this is hard to do and hard to manage when the patient outcomes we should deliver are not clearly defined. Also, costs are increasing unsustainably with a significant fraction of healthcare spending wasted on low-value diagnostic procedures or treatments and on consequences of clinical errors. By eliminating inefficiencies, we can save approximately $1 trillion globally each year. Imagine the possibilities if we were to invest that capital in meaningful innovation or disease prevention. When it comes to out of pocket spending – nobody wants to waste his money or time. Our tool appears to be quite useful here.

How do you plan creating those much clinical guidelines and keep them up to date?
The Robomed Network includes a tool for decentralized management of the criteria for the effectiveness of medical services. The active involvement of the professional medical community will be motivated by RBM payments for each vote, and the competence of holders of RBM Tokens admitted to professional medical voting will be checked throughout the authorization process. We believe that combined knowledge of professional medical community is there to help. We already have 2900 clinical guidelines digitalized.

What if some hospital doesn’t want to install your EHR?
In case that the medical service provider does not want to work in the Robomed EHR, it can use any other EHR system and connect to the Robomed Network using the dedicated API under condition of the observation of the communication protocols according to the HL7 standard (or FHIR).

Who exactly is your customer?
Our customer is an individual with a health problem with no insurance plan. He is willing to find the best solution for problem in a limited time and money. We provide this solution.

What if during RBM smart contact fulfillment an unusual result occurs?
Although 90% of clinical cases are routine, such a thing can rarely happen. In that situation, this patient’s EMR with all his data except identity will become a subject to investigation by Robomed Network medical community with top priority.

How will you measure clinical guideline accomplishment by healthcare provider?
Each clinical guideline consists of crucial milestones: completed services and medical data. Reference values of these milestones are the core of outcome measurement in Robomed EHR. Real time capture and reliability of block chain technology provides trustworthy information for such measurement.

What is a smart contract?
Smart contracts are computer protocols intended to facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. Proponents of smart contracts claim that many kinds of contractual clauses may be made partially or fully self-executing, self-enforcing, or both. The aim of smart contracts is to provide security that is superior to traditional contract law and to reduce other transaction costs associated with contracting.

Please find more information about Robomed Network on the official website and follow this thread for all the latest news and updates!


Bounty program:

Information about Robomed Network is also available on:
Social channels:
Telegram (Russian group):


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Îmbunătățim Economia Jocurilor Video

NITRO este o platforma noua bazată pe blockchain, concepută să democratizeze și să revoluționeze industria jocurilor video prin crearea unei noi criptomonede denumita NOX și a unei piețe online integrate numita NITRO Marketplace.

Canalele si Grupurile Oficiale ale NITRO

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Pre-sale-ul NITRO va fi anuntat in curand

Crowdsale-ul NITRO va incepe pe 7 Noiembrie 2017, 0000Hrs (GMT+8)

Programul de Recompense NITRO

Totalul monedelor repartizate programului de recompense NITRO va fi de 1,5% din toate tokenurile vândute în timpul pre-sale-ului si al crowdsale-ului, maxim 900.000 NOX care vor fi distribuite (~ 300.000 US $)

Campanii de Recompense: Signature si avatar, Traducere si moderare, Blog si media, Steemit, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook

O introducere catre NITRO

Despre NITRO:

Platforma NITRO:



Echipa si Consultanti:

By accessing this link you will receive 50 FREE UTN ( Universa Tokens ) :


Ultimul Update - 29.09.2017

Universa reprezinta un protocol blockchain de nouă generație, care are tot potențialul de a deveni un reper important în dezvoltarea unei industrii de tip blockchain. Alexander Borodich, creatorul platformei Universa, explică de ce acest lucru se poate întâmpla în viitorul apropiat. "Astăzi, dependența blockchain-ului de mining-ul costisitor seamănă cu dependența monedelor de aur de prețul aurului. În schimb, sugerăm un nou mod ieftin și ușor de a crea contracte inteligente, care pot acționa ca înlocuitor al numerarului, într-un mod oarecum original. Dacă invenția unui bitcoin poate fi comparată cu descoperirea aurului, atunci Universa este o nouă etapă, simbolizând sosirea banilor de hârtie pe piața decontarilor reciproce ", conform suselor sale.

Cinci avantaje cheie ale Universa fata de Bitcoin și Ethereum

1. Universa este un pionier al noii generatii de blockchain

Universa nu a fost inițial dezvoltată ca o criptomoneda, ci ca un protocol care creează și administrează lanțuri de contracte inteligente. Prin urmare, platforma Universa nu depinde de minerit, ceea ce ne confera o viteza mai mare, dar și costul scăzut al tranzactiilor, din punctul de vedere al resurselor necesare.

2. Universa este de 1000 de ori mai rapid decât Bitcoin

Nodurile Universa nu necesită activități miniere și sunt responsabile pentru verificarea tranzacțiilor și a contractelor inteligente pe care clienții le trimit la rețea. Renunțarea la minerit a deschis o modalitate de a crește performanța rețelei de sute de ori. Structura blockchain a Universa se bazează pe limbajul contractelor inteligente, dezvoltat de la zero. Structura logică bine gândită și ierarhia limbajului au făcut posibilă atingerea vitezei de 10.000 de tranzacții pe secundă pe nodurile de rețea.

3. Tranzacțiile Universa sunt de 100 de ori mai ieftine decât cele prin Bitcoin

In ziua de astazi consideram absolut nerezonabil să se perceapă 3,85 dolari pentru microtranzactii in valoare de cativa centi. Cu toate acestea, pe platforma Bitcoin, acest preț reprezinta taxa curentă de transfer de bani, ceea ce explică natura speculativă a cursului de schimb Bitcoin și volatilitatea sa ridicată. Sistemul de contacte inteligente de pe platforma Universa a permis scaderea unor astfel de taxe de sute de ori.

4. Universa oferă un sistem complet nou de contracte inteligente

Pe platforma Universa pot fi create diverse lanțuri inteligente de contracte. Aceste contracte inteligente pot fi implementate în aproape toate domeniile de afaceri. Contractele inteligente Universa pot fi aplicate programării atât a aplicațiilor intracomunitare, cât și a celor publice. De exemplu:

  • Cheie Auto inteligenta
  • Card de access pentru Fitness si Spa
  • IoT - elemente inteligente ale casei ce lucreaza impreuna
  • Plata in parcari si benzinarii
  • Logistica, cargo tracking  

In viitorul apropiat va fi posibila punerea in aplicare a tuturor modalitatilor mentionate mai sus si a numeroaselor alte aplicatii ale contractelor inteligente de tip "Universa".

5. Universa reprezina “bani inteligenti” reali

Platforma Universa simplifică în mod semnificativ procesele de tranzacționare din domeniul comerțului electronic. Aceasta va permite acceptarea plăților în orice monedă în mod automat și formalizarea documentului de tranzacție cu un contract inteligent la fața locului. Împreună cu orice altceva, Universa va simplifica procesul de solicitare a împrumuturilor pe Internet, schimbul electronic de valută și intr-o mare masura completarea declarațiilor vamale.

Nu există niciun dubiu că Universa va deveni în curând una dintre platformele blockchain cheie și va fi prezentă pe scară largă în diferite sfere de afaceri. Alexander Borodich este foarte deschis în privința planului său ambițios de a atrage cel puțin 100 de milioane de dolari în timpul ICO-ului. Astăzi, Borodich, fostul manager al grupului de top, este cel mai activ investitor din Rusia și fondatorul platformei de investiții Venture Club.

Pe scurt: Universa definește un set de formate, protocoale și entități de date, care autorizeaza contracte inteligente deținute și controlate de servicii, organizații și persoane, cu un cloud notarial descentralizat care certifică fiecare tranzacție.

Fiecare contract inteligent vine într-o reprezentare puternic protejată, împachetată, capsula, semnată de cel puțin o parte (proprietarul) și opțional de orice număr format din alte părți; capsula conține un public necriptat și, opțional, o parte privată criptată, oferind acces cu ajutorul mai multor chei. De exemplu, proprietarul contractului poate să nu aibă acces la partea criptată și mai multe alte părți pot avea acces in mod independent.

Fiecare capsulă are un ID unic, prin care cloud-ul notarial își poate confirma și revoca aprobarea contractului respectiv. O capsulă aprobată de cloud-ul notarial conține un contract inteligent, valabil pentru toate scopurile declarate în partea sa publică.

O parte care are drepturile necesare (de exemplu, chei) pentru a efectua una sau mai multe acțiuni valide în cadrul contractului respectiv poate efectua aceste acțiuni și poate valida rezultatele, de exemplu transferarea unor e-valute de la un proprietar la altul, votarea cu o partajare publică sau privilegiată , să primească dividende sau să facă practic orice altceva.

Puteti gasi mai multe informatii despre Echipa Universa aici:






Coin Home / [ANN] UNIVERSA [ICO] | Blockchain Protocol for Business
« on: October 08, 2017, 12:01:08 PM »

Last Update - 28.10.2017

In recent days we have detected sevaral fake sites that are mimicking our site.
PLEASE BE AWARE! Our official sites are and All other sites are a scam!
You can check the address in the description of this group.
Don't be a victim of scammers.

Dear friends,
As all you see we've got so heavy load on our website and payment gates, that we were not able to process all requests in time.
As a TEMPORARY solution we are opening another payment gate - (btc/eth). This is the very same service where Universa preICO was hold.
Also you can use our campaign at KickICO - (eth)
Sorry for any inconvenience. We'll do our best to make things working.

Universa is a new generation blockchain protocol, which has every potential to become a significant landmark in the development of a blockchain industry. Alexander Borodich, a creator of Universa platform, explains why this can happen in the nearest future. “Today, the dependence of blockchain on highly costly mining process resembles the dependence of gold coins on the price of gold. Instead, we suggest new cheap and easy way of creating smart contracts, which can act as cash substitutes, in a somewhat original way. If the invention of a bitcoin can be compared to the discovery of gold, then Universa is a new stage, symbolizing the arrival of paper money to the market of mutual settlements,” he says.

Five Key Advantages of Universa over Bitcoin and Ethereum

1. Universa is a pioneer of the new generation blockchain

Universa has originally been developed not as a cryptocurrency, but as a protocol creating and operating chains of smart contracts. Therefore, Universa platform does not depend on mining, which results both in high speed and low cost of procession operations, in terms of the resources required.

2. Universa is 1000 times faster than user familiar Bitcoin

Universa nodes do not require mining and are responsible for verifying the transactions and smart contracts that customers submit onto the network. Waiving mining opened a way to increase network performance by hundreds of times. The Universa blockchain structure is based on the language of smart contracts, developed from scratch. The well-thought-out logical structure and language hierarchy made it possible to reach the speed of 10,000 transactions per second on the network nodes.

3. Universa transactions are 100 times cheaper than those in Bitcoin

Today, it deems absolutely unreasonable to charge $3,85 for a few cents worth microtransaction. Yet, on the Bitcoin platform, this price is a current money transfer fee, which accounts for the speculative nature of Bitcoin exchange rate, and its high volatility. The smart contacts system on Universa platform allowed to decrease such fees by hundreds of times.

4. Universa offers an entirely new smart contract system

Various smart contract chains can be created on Universa platform.  These smart contracts can be implemented in almost all business fields. Universa smart contracts can be applied to programming both intracompany applications and public ones. For example:

  • Vehicle smart key
  • Fitness and SPA pass card
  • IoT - smart home elements working together
  • Payments at parking lots or gas stations
  • Logistics, cargo tracking 

It will be possible to implement all of the above mentioned and many other ways of Universa smart contracts applications, in the nearest future.

5. Universa is real “smart money”

The Universa platform significantly simplifies the transaction processes in the field of e-commerce. It will make it possible to accept payments in any currency in automated mode in any currency in automatic mode and formalize the transaction document with a smart contract on the spot. Along with everything else, Universa will simplify the process of applying for loans in the Internet, electronic currency exchange, and filling in customs declarations to a great extent.

There is no doubt that Universa will soon become one of the key blockchain platforms and will be widely present in different business spheres. Alexander Borodich is very open about his ambitious plan to  attract at least $ 100 million during ICO. Today, Borodich, the former Group top manager, is the most active venture investor in Russia and the founder of Venture Club crowd investment platform.

In short: Universa defines a set of data formats, protocols and entities, which enable smart contracts owned and controlled by services, organizations and persons, with a decentralized notary cloud that certifies each transaction.

Each smart contract comes in a heavily protected, packed representation, the capsule, signed by at least one party (the owner) and optionally by any number of other parties; the capsule contains an unencrypted public, and optionally an encrypted private part, with multiple-key access. For example, the contract owner may not have access to the encrypted part, and several other parties may independently have access.

Each capsule has a unique ID, by which the notary cloud can confirm and revoke its approval of the respective contract. A capsule approved by the notary cloud contains a smart contract, valid for all purposes declared in its public part.

A party that has the necessary rights (e.g. keys) to perform one or more valid actions under the respective contract can perform those and validate the results, e.g., transfer some e-currency from one owner to another, vote with a public or privileged share, receive dividends, or do virtually anything else.

More information about Universa Team you can find on









Programul de Bounty in valoare de 2500 ETH aici :

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Coin Home / [ANN][ICO] PayperEx - The world's first alternative share market
« on: September 20, 2017, 01:22:01 PM »


The idea behind PayperEx is to decentralize the share market by creating an alternative trading network using blockchain technology.
PayperEx’s goal is to give people from all over the world a fair, easy and affordable chance to enjoy the benefits of the share market by buying "Paypers".

What are “Paypers”?

Paypers are share based units. To trade on the PayperEx network users must buy Paypers. Each financial instrument (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) will have a limited quantity of Paypers issued.
There are two types of Paypers issued: “BULL” and “BEAR”.
A BULL Payper is predicting that the price of the underlying asset will rise, whereas a BEAR Payper is predicting that the price of the underlying asset will fall.

Private companies will issue their shares at PayperEx network.
The use of blockchain technology will make our network secure and transparent.

We really think that we can build a decentralize trading network that transcends these limitations, and provides the same trading opportunity to all traders all over the globe.

PAX token -  PayperEx issued the PAX token to let the crowd participate in the project and to become members of the network. The PAX token will be sold during the ICO with special benefits.

Yes, we believe that the PAX value will be worth more than his value today, but it's not the reason that we issued it.

At the first stage, Bitcoin Paypers will be issued " Bitcoin_Paypers"

How does it work?

Let's say that you believe that the Bitcoin is going to rise, so you decided to buy the "Bitcoin BULL Payper"
The "Bitcoin BULL Payper" price at the time of purchase is 100 PAX (equal to 0.002BTC).
According to the movements in the market, the price of the "Bitcoin BULL Paypers" rises to 150 PAX (equal to 0.003BTC).
If you sell your "Bitcoin BULL Payper" to another Payperex participate your profit will be 50 PAX (50%).
If you believe that Bitcoin is going to fall, you buy the "Bitcoin BEAR Payper" and profit if the price of the Payper goes up.

The main strength of the Paypers
1.   The initial price will be low like the value of the Bitcoin 7 years ago.
2.   The ability to trade on upward and downward trends.
3.   Our unique Fee Share model - a portion of the fee that we will charge on the network will be paid back to the
        Paypers holders.
4.     The opportunity to trade privately held companies


The PayperEx Team

PayperEx’s founders, after more than 15 years of experience in the financial sector,
came up with an ambitious and groundbreaking goal to revolutionize the concept of a Shares Market by removing any existing barriers.
Our team consists of experts in online trading, marketing, research and development,
financial compliance and regulation.

Yaniv Baruch - Co founder

Mr. Baruch has over 14 years of experience in the financial sector.
Mr. Baruch was formerly the Co-Founder & CEO of Daweda Limited, an EU regulated company which developed a cutting-edge platform providing a trading environment for over-the-counter peer-to-peer derivatives.
Prior to Daweda, Mr. Baruch was the Head of Trading at AnyOption a worldwide platform for online derivatives trading. In addition, Mr. Baruch worked at “RBC” Capital Markets, a premier global investment bank as a “prop” trader, focusing on trading and swing trading NYSE stocks.
Mr. Baruch had a Series 7 trading license from FINRA for managing proprietary accounts of large scale.

Menahem Maya - Co founder

Mr. Maya is a FinTech entrepreneur and executive with over 15 years of experience in the financial sector.
Mr. Maya was formerly the founder and CEO of MB Technology, an innovative technology company focused on the development of financial solutions and online marketing products.
Prior to founding MB Technology, during the years 2010-2015, Mr. Maya has held several key positions in a variety of leading online trading companies.
Mr. Maya has a strong track record of developing market-leading products and services, including technology start-ups. He has a wealth of international experience, including leadership roles in several companies and knows how to use his imagination to surpass any challenges and to overcome all boundaries.

Tal Miller - Chief Advisor

Mr. Miller is the founder of the Fibonatix Group and CEO of Fibonatix (Israel).
A payments professional with over 10 years of experience in the financial sector in a variety of senior roles.
Mr. Miller specializes in tackling challenging situations and cases, cut to the heart of the matter and find out how to make things work the way they should. Leveraging his experience in working in international and multicultural environments, Mr. Miller excels at reducing complex problems to simple concepts which can be easily understood and resolved.

Denis Rohlinsky - Full-Stack Developer

Mr. Rohlinsky is Full-Stack Systems Architect with many years of experience developing financial applications.
Mr. Rohlinsky’s professional expertise includes client/server applications, product design and delivery, managing multicultural teams and agile methodology.
Mr. Rohlinsky has built custom solutions for numerous financial services firms, with a focus on critical risk and reporting applications.

PayperEx - everyone deserved a second chance



ICO for a better Blockchain Medical forecasting future

ICO STARTING AUGUST 21th, 08.08 PM UCT - 20% Bonus first two weeks


Structure and platform
Trading platform   : ARCHITECURE PLAN

Token Description
Token name: BioNT
Allocation:   140,000,000 TOKENS
Token Sale period: 21.08.2017 08:00PM UTC TILL 23.10.2017 08:00PM UTC
Bonus Weeks 1 to 4:   1ST+2ND WEEK 20%, 3RD WEEK 15%, 4TH WEEK 10%, 5TH WEEK 5%


Industry Background

-   7,000 drugs in development
-   Industry set to grow from $800 Billion to $1.2 Trillion globally by 2020
-   Generic, Pharmaceutical and Biotech remain in the top ten most profitable industries in the world
-   With so many drugs in discovery, how do you bet on the break through, and the financially profitable ones?

The global Pharma and Biotech Industry ranks high among the most profitable industries in the world.  The current market is estimated to grow from $800 Billion USD to $1.2 Trillion by 2022.  The market cap of the top 100 pharmaceutical companies is $2.2 Trillion dollars.

Problems with current pharma and biotech drug pricing and financial forecasting
McKinsey confirms pharma forecasts fragile, the extent of imprecision is truly remarkable.

1.   Commercially driven forecasts to secure budgets and investment
2.   The internal silo impact reducing efficiency and accuracy
3.   Lack of integration of pricing & reimbursement assumptions and the probability of pricing & reimbursement outcomes
4.   Not using common global language across entire organization
5.   Limited capabilities within the organization
6.   Ignoring impact of data sources & external events, lack of catalogued references and assumptions

To improve outcomes and capabilities, companies need to integrate real-time accounts of their judgments, underlying assumptions, data sources, external events including trends in reimbursement.

Key drivers behind forecast failures are poor assumptions
There's no chance that the iPhone will gain any significant market share?  Steve Ballmer, Microsoft 2007

New product forecasting (NPF) is inherently difficult, usually inaccurate, and past analogues do not incorporate emerging trends. ?It's not what we know that leads to poor forecasting outcomes; its what we knew, ignored and didn't communicate?  Global biotech forecaster, 2014

Our Solution and Development Roadmap to Drug Discovery

-   Global Drug Pricing
-   Global Disease and Epidemiology
-   Clinical Trial Outcomes and Approvals
-   Advanced Pharma Intel Algorithm
-   Market and Drug Performance

The global drug pricing platform is designed to retrieve drug prices from global disparate sources.  Sources are both public/government and private sources.  The initial focus will be Oncology and Orphan diseases, paving the way for price setting and trends for new combination therapies.

Epidemiology data bank will store patient treatment pathways for key diseases, the data bank will also be populated with patient numbers to link new molecules to market potential.

Tracking both historical and upcoming outcomes and approvals will enable the platform to predict and report the sensitivity analysis. The key data blocks linked with historical data, will allow Advanced Pharma Intelligence not only the ability to deliver analysis to front end clients, but also the algorithm to predict outcomes based on Phase I and Phase II outcomes data.   

Who we are, and what we do
-   Seasoned team of industry experts based in Zug, Switzerland
-   Combining industry, pricing, software and trading knowledge
-   Translate global data into a single non-biased fact-based platform
-   Seek and identify the highest profitable molecules in clinical development

The Problem
-   There are 7,000 drugs in development, and 70% of those will be first in class
-   Only 2 out of 10 drugs match or exceed R&D investment4
-   Evaluate Pharma lowers projections for next 5 years by $390 billion mainly due to pricing pressure
-   Forecasting is becoming more and more complex due to bio-markers and orphan indications
-   Trading and stock price volatility has been increasing as a result

Our Solution
-   Single global drug pricing platform
-   Disease and epidemiology database
-   Drug forecasting platform
-   Integrated drug pricing and forecasting system through Blockchain
-   Securities trading signals

Our Roadmap

-   Development of scalable drug pricing system
-   Commercialization of the drug pricing system
-   Development and commercialization of the drug forecasting system
-   Development of the X-App
-   Development of the securities trading signals

The BioNT Token

-   140,000,000 BioNT Tokens
-   5-year lock up of unsold tokens
-   50% of annual software revenues for token buy back
a.   Those tokens will be deleted after buyback

Development Road Map
The development and commercialization of the three core projects will be subject to the level of funding secured.  The timeline outlined for development and delivery seeks to maximize both development and commercialization. 

The X-APP will be detailed post development and prior to commercialization. The APP will provide a hub to link and retrieve global data for the platforms described above.

Development Phasing
1   Develop & Commercialize the Drug Pricing Platform - 3 months
2   Develop Drug Forecasting Platform - 4-8 months
X   Develop APP-X Global Data Sourcing App - TBC
3   Develop Trading Platform - 8-16 months

Investment Allocation
- Development of trading Platform - 25%
- Development of Drug Forecasting Platform - 20%
- Global Marketing & Sales Phase 1 - 10%
- Global Marketing & Sales Phase 2 - 10%
- Merge Pricing and Forecasting Platform - 10%
- Enhancement of, and Commercialization Beta Pricing Platform - 10%
- Team Allocation - 10%
- Legal - 5%

BioNT Token

Token ICO starting 21-08-2017, at 08.08pm UTC, until sold out or till end of ICO period.

- 1st + 2nd weeks 20% additional tokens
- 3rd week 15% additional tokens
- 4th week 10% additional tokens
- 5th week 5% additional tokens
- 6th/9th week, finishing 23-10-2017, at 08.08pm UTC, no bonus tokens

Token Name: BioNT
Fixed Price: 300 BioNT per ETH
Issuing Entity: Advanced Pharma Intelligence GmbH
Jurisdiction of Issuance: Switzerland
Time to Issuance: Tokens are issued immediately to your Ether Wallet were you hold your private key. However, Tokens will have a transfer freeze until the tokens are listed on exchanges.

If any tokens left after that period, these ¨unsold tokens¨ will be held in ¨Treasury¨ of the Advanced Pharma Intelligence GmbH, available for a sale in secondary market, but with a lockup of 1825 days, basically five years (5*365), hard coded in the smart contract.

The number of tokens are capped, 140 million, (the maximum amount raised does depend on the additional bonus tokens in the first few weeks of the offering, this is automatically done in the smart contract settings too).

126 million tokens available for the crowdsale campaign.
14 million tokens, with a 6 month lock up, are reserved for Advanced Intelligence GmbH and founders team.

Advanced Pharma Intelligence GmbH develops and enhances its systems (existing and planned new systems) and business development (commercialization of existing beta tested and to be developed ones).

Advanced Pharma Intelligence GmbH will buy in the secondary market, both on the exchanges as well as in direct deals with participants at a price not exceeding the then market price, a minimum of 50%of the software revenues each year, for 25 years, those tokens will be deleted (¨irreversibly moved to trash¨) after buyback. This will be done in the second month after the year was finished, i.e. February 2018/2041. Announcement of how many tokens at what average price have been bought back will follow one month after the completion of those buybacks.

In February/April 2042, buyback in the open market will be done for a three-month period, and the total sum of buybacks will be divided by the number of still outstanding/not bought back tokens (possibly including any tokens that are still in the Treasury of Advanced Pharma Intelligence GmbH and haven't been sold in a secondary offering). If any tokens haven't been offered for sale at the secondary market, management of Advanced Pharma Intelligence GmbH will donate the remainder of the monies to a good cause of their choice (one or more not-for profit charitable organizations, e.g. World Cancer Research Fund, Red Cross).
In exceptional cases, in order to provide the most risk averse features, we may upgrade the smart contract code and update and transparently send the new valid token, e.g. in case the exchanges, where we'd like to list, demand such.

Gas limit is responsibility of the sender/contributor.

In case the cap (126 million tokens for sale in crowdsale) is reached, excess payments will be rejected and repaid.

Feel free to ask any questions.

Advanced Pharma Intelligence GmbH

Token Sale:



ICO pentru un Blockchain Medical mai bun in viitor

ICO STARTING AUGUST 21th, 08.08 PM UCT - 20% Bonus pentru primele doua saptamani


Structura platformei
Aplicatia Mobila: PROJECT X ? SE VA PATENTA
Platforma de Trade   : ARCHITECURE PLAN

Descrierea Tokenului
Numele Tokenului: BioNT
Alocare:   140,000,000 TOKENS
Perioada de Vanzari a Tokenurilor: 21.08.2017 08:00PM UTC PANA LA 23.10.2017 08:00PM UTC
Tokenuri Nevandute:   VOR FI BLOCATE TIMP DE 5 ANI
Saptamanine cu Bonus de la 1 la 4:   1ST+2ND SAPTAMANA 20%, 3RD SAPTAMANA 15%, 4TH SAPTAMANA 10%, 5TH SAPTAMANA 5%
Saptamana 6 - 9   : SE VA INCHEIA PE 23 OCTOMBRIE, 2017, FARA BONUSURI


Istoricul Industriei

-   7,000 de medicamente in dezvoltare
-   Cresterea estimata de la  $800 Miliarde pana la $1.2 Trilioane la nivel global pana in 2020
-   Generic, Industria Farmaceutica si de Biotech raman in top ca cele mai profitabile de pe glob
-   Cu atât de multe medicamente in curs de dezvoltare, cum veti stii care sunt mai profitabile din punct de vedere financiar?

Industria farmaceutică globală și biotehnologia se situează printre cele mai profitabile industrii din lume. Se estimează că piața actuală va crește de la 800 miliarde USD până la 1,2 trilioane de dolari până în 2022. Cifra de afaceri a primelor 100 de companii farmaceutice este de 2,2 trilioane de dolari.

Probleme legate de prețurile actuale din industria farmaceutica și biotehnologie și de previziunea financiară
McKinsey confirmă fragilitatea previziunilor farmaceutice, amploarea impreciziei este cu adevărat remarcabilă.

1.   Prognoze comerciale pentru asigurarea bugetului si a investitiilor
2.   Impactul silozului intern reduce eficiența și precizia
3.   Lipsa integrării ipotezelor de stabilire a prețurilor și rambursării și a probabilității de stabilire a prețurilor și a rambursărilor
4.   Nefolosirea unui limbaj comun la nivelul organizatiilor
5.   Capacitati limitate in organizatie
6.   Ignorarea impactului surselor de date și a evenimentelor externe, lipsa de referințe și ipoteze catalogate

Pentru a îmbunătăți rezultatele și capacitățile, companiile trebuie să integreze conturile în timp real bazandus-se pe propria ratiune, ipoteze, surse de date, evenimente externe, inclusiv tendințe în rambursare.

Principalii factori care stau la baza eșecurilor in prognoza sunt ipotezele eronate
Nu există nicio șansă ca iPhone să câștige o cotă semnificativa de piata?  Steve Ballmer, Microsoft 2007

Prognozele noi ale produselor (FNP) sunt în mod cert dificile, de obicei inexacte, iar analogii din trecut nu includ tendințele emergente. Nu ceea ce cunoastem duce la rezultate slabe de prognoză; ceea ce știam, am ignorat și nu am comunicat?  Global biotech forecaster, 2014

Soluția noastră și Roadmap-ul Dezvoltarii pentru descoperirea medicamentelor

-   Pretul Global al Medicamentelor
-   Bolile si Epidemiile Globale
-   Testele Clinici si Aprobarile
-   Algoritm Avansat Farmaceutic
-   Performanta Pietei si a Medicamentelor

Platforma globală de stabilire a prețurilor la medicamente este concepută pentru a recupera prețurile la medicamente din surse globale diferite. Sursele sunt publice / guvernamentale și private. Obiectivul inițial va fi bolile Oncologice și Orphan, deschizând calea pentru stabilirea prețurilor și tendințelor pentru noi terapii combinate.

Epidemiologia băncii de date va stoca căile de tratament ale pacientului pentru bolile-cheie, banca de date va fi, de asemenea, populata cu numărul de pacienți pentru legarea moleculelor noi la potențialul pieței.

Urmărirea rezultatelor și a aprobărilor trecute și viitoare va permite platformei să prezică și să raporteze analiza de sensibilitate. Blocurile de date cheie legate de istoric vor permite Advanced Pharma Intelligence nu numai abilitatea de a furniza analize clienților din frontul final, ci și algoritmul de a prezice rezultatele pe baza celor din faza I și faza II.

Cine suntem noi si cu ce ne ocupam
-   Echipa condusă de experți din industrie cu sediul în Zug, Elveția
-   Combinând industria, prețurile, software-ul și cunoștințele de tranzacționare
-   Traducerea datelor globale într-o singură platformă non-biased fact based
-   Căutarea și identificarea celor mai mari molecule profitabile în dezvoltarea clinică

-   Sunt 7,000 de medicamente in dezvoltare, si 70% din ele vor fi de calitatea intai
-   Doar 2 din 10 medicamente se potrivesc sau depasesc investitiile R&D
-   Evaluarea Pharma reduce proiecțiile pentru următorii 5 ani cu 390 miliarde dolari, în principal datorită presiunii pe stabilirea prețurilor
-   Previziunea devine din ce în ce mai complexă din cauza indicatorilor bio și a indicațiilor orfane
-   Vânzările și volatilitatea prețurilor acțiunilor sunt rezultatul cresterii

Solutia noastra
-   O singura platforma globala a preturilor
-   Baza de date pentru boli si epidemii
-   Platforma de prognoza a medicamentelor
-   Pretul inegrat al medicamentelor si sistem de prognoza prin Blockchain
-   Semnale de trading

Roadmap-ul nostru

-   Dezvoltarea unui sistem scalabil al preturilor medicamentelor
-   Comercializarea sistemului de pret al medicamentului
-   Dezvoltarea si comercializarea sistemului de prognoza al medicamentului
-   Dezvoltarea X-App
-   Dezvoltarea semnalelor de trade

Tokenul BioNT

-   140,000,000 Tokenuri BioNT
-   Tokenurile ramase nevandute vor fi blocate pe o perioada de 5 ani
-   50% din veniturile anuale din software folosite pentru recumpararea tokenurilor de pe piata
a.   Acele tokenuri vor fi dezactivate dupa cumparare

Harta Dezvoltarii
Dezvoltarea și comercializarea celor trei proiecte de bază vor fi supuse nivelului de finanțare garantat.
Cronologia evidențiată pentru dezvoltare și livrare vizează maximizarea dezvoltării și comercializării.

Aplicatia X-APP va fi detaliată dupa dezvoltare și înainte de comercializare. Aplicatia va furniza un hub pentru conectarea si recuperarea datelor globale pentru platformele descrise mai sus.

Fazele Dezvoltarii
1   Dezvoltarea & Comercializarea Platformei de Preturi ale Medicamentelor - 3 luni
2   Dezvoltarea Platformei de Predictie a Medicamentelor - 4-8 luni
X   Dezvoltarea APP-X Aplicatiei de Global Data Sourcing - TBC
3   Dezvoltarea Platformei de Trade - 8-16 luni

Alocarea Investitiei
- Dezvoltarea Platformei de Trade - 25%
- Dezvoltarea Platformei de Predictie a Medicamentelor - 20%
- Global Marketing & Faza de Vanzari 1 - 10%
- Global Marketing & Faza de Vanzari 2 - 10%
- Imbinarea platformei de stabilire a prețurilor și a prognozei - 10%
- Îmbunătățirea platformei de prețuri Beta de comercializare - 10%
- Alocarea pentru Echipa - 10%
- Juridic- 5%

Tokenul BioNT

ICO-ul a inceput pe 21-08-2017, la 08.08pm UTC, pana cand se vor vinde toate tokenurile sau pana la finalul ICO-ului.

- saptamana 1 si 2 - 20% tokenuri suplimentare
- saptamana 3 - 15% tokenuri suplimentare
- saptamana 4 - 10% tokenuri suplimentare
- saptamana 5 - 5% additional suplimentare
- saptamana 6 si 9 , finalul ICO-ului pe 23-10-2017, la 08.08pm UTC, fara tokenuri bonus

Numele Tokenului: BioNT
Pretul Fix: 300 BioNT per ETH
Entitatea Emitenta: Advanced Pharma Intelligence GmbH
Jurisdictia Emiterii: Switzerland
Durata Emiterii: Tokenurile sunt emise imediat către portofelul dvs. Ether unde aveti cheile private. Cu toate acestea, Tokenurile vor fi blocate pentru transfer până când vor fi listate pe exchange.

În cazul în care vor ramane tokenuri nevandute dupa aceasta perioada, acestea vor fi ținute în "Trezoreria" Advanced Pharma Intelligence GmbH, fiind disponibile pentru vânzarea pe o piața secundară, dar blocate pentru 1825 de zile, practic cinci ani ), inscrise in contractul inteligent.

Numărul de tokenuri este limitat la 140 milioane (suma maxima stransa depinde de tokenurile bonus suplimentare din primele săptămâni ale ofertei, acest lucru se face deasemenea automat în setările contractului inteligent).

126 milioane de tokenuri disponibile pentru campania de crowdsale.
14 milioane de tokenuri, blocate 6 luni, sunt rezervate pentru Advanced Intelligence GmbH si pentru fondatori.

Advanced Pharma Intelligence GmbH își dezvoltă și isi îmbunătățește sistemele (noile sisteme existente și planificate) precum și dezvoltarea afacerilor (comercializarea celor testate beta și celor care urmează să fie dezvoltate).

Advanced Pharma Intelligence GmbH va cumpăra pe piața secundară, prin intermediul exchange-urilor , dar și în tranzacții directe cu participanți la un preț care nu depășește nivelul pietei actual, cel puțin 50% din veniturile software din fiecare an, timp de 25 de ani, aceste tokenuri vor fi șterse ("ireversibil") după cumpărare. Acest lucru se va face începand cu a doua lună după încheierea anului, adică februarie 2018/2041. Anunțarea numărului de tokenuri si a prețului mediu la care au fost cumpărate va fi anuntat la o luna.

În februarie / aprilie 2042, răscumpărarea pe piața deschisă va fi efectuată pe o perioadă de trei luni, iar suma totală a buyback-urilor va fi împărțită la numărul de tokenuri încă neacoperite / care nu au fost cumpărate (posibil orice tokenuri care sunt încă în Trezoreria Advanced Pharma Intelligence GmbH și nu au fost vândute într-o ofertă secundară). In cazul Token-urilor care nu a fost oferite spre vânzare pe piața secundară, Advanced Pharma Intelligence GmbH va dona restul fondurilor pentru o cauză bună la alegerea (una sau mai multe organizații caritabile non-profit, de exemplu World Cancer Research Fondul, Crucea Roșie).
În cazuri excepționale, pentru a aplana eventuale riscuri, putem actualiza codul contractului inteligent și să trimitem în mod transparent noul token valid, de ex. în cazul în care exchangeurile solicita acest lucru pentru a ne lista.

Limita de GAS este responsabilitatea investitorului.

In cazul in care plafonul (126 de milioane de tokenuri de vanzare) este atins, sumele trimise in plus vor fi restituite.

Sunteti bineveniti sa ne puneti orice intrebare.

Advanced Pharma Intelligence GmbH

Vanzarea de Tokenuri:



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Howtotoken is the first expert-driven crypto community based on the advertisement revenue model. If you are an expert in field of crypto, join us. Increase your awareness in the crypto community and get tokens for your participation.
The idea is simple:
We've found interesting topics regarding crypto and found experts who could answer or comment on these questions in deep, informational detail. After that, we created a simple “how-to” for that question and posted it on, distributed it online  and built a community around that. Our goal is to create “how-tos” that could answer questions in a simple and informational format, so that 4 years old children would be able to understand how SegWit works. :)
Our Team (7 distributed experts all over the world, in various fields):
  • An SEO expert who works on website traffic.
  • 2 crypto expert writers who research questions and create great content.
  • A PR specialist who talks with experts and crypto journalists all over the world.
  • A web designer who makes our product look excellent at each stage.
  • 2 technical specialists who build token distribution mechanisms for the community (based on openledger and bitshares).

You could read our Manifest here:
Who are we looking for right now?
  • Researcher – a crypto expert who will research new and interesting trending questions, find experts, and create “how-to” drafts.
  • Crypto writer – a crypto expert writer who will create final articles in English. It should be simple, informative, and easy to read.
  • Community manager - you will be the voice of our community in all social networks and forums. You will find discussions and post links to our articles that answer those questions in the discussions.

Every technical and marketing specialist could join us and receive tokens for their work, join us here at:

Howtotoken token details:
  • 100,000,000 tokens - the limited token cap that will be distributed in a 5 year period (we’ve made the emission of our token on bitshares: and already traded them on DEX).
  • 100,000 tokens - first emission that will start on the 30th of August and will last until we distribute the amount among no more than the first 100 experts, who will have the highest value for the community. During this period of time, you can’t buy tokens, you can only receive them from the community.

How tokens are distributed after that
After we will distribute first 100,000 tokens, the mechanism will work like this:
  • We will make additional distributions each month for different financial goals that will help us to make great content and marketing (these goals will open to the community).
  • Each month, our system will calculate the value of each expert and will send them additional tokens based on his or her involvement in the community (the calculation formula will be based on different factors and will be presented to the community later).
  • Starting in October, after all law regulations will be solved, we will start paying dividends for token holders, it will be a percent of ad revenue that receives from its advertisements.
  • You could sell and buy your tokens on the DEX exchange starting from the 30th of August and receive dividends on that later.
  • There are two types of tokens: Those received from the community and those purchased on the exchange. We post the ratings of experts on our website and their listing is dependent on their token balance received from the community. Experts can purchase or sell tokens on DEX, but only tokens received by the community matter to their rating. We calculate all of this through bitshares transactions. You may sell all your tokens received from the community but that will remove you from the list of experts on the site. So, in order to raise one’s rating, experts need to increase tokens received from the community.

Join our token distribution program here:  You have to be registered on bitshares for that.


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