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Topics - clockuniverse

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Giveaways & Airdrops / Terracoin - Est. 2012 - Retweet Reward
« on: June 12, 2017, 12:41:55 AM »
Retweet Reward
We are giving away TRC if you retweet either of the last two Weekly Updates (June 8th or June 2nd).
We are giving away a TOTAL of 10,000 TRC.
If you retweet either of those two updates you will get a reward according to the rules below:

For each twitter follower you have you will get 1 TRC to a maximum reward of 1000 TRC.
If you retweet and have 146 followers you will get a reward of 146 TRC.
If you retweet and have 1460 followers you will get a reward of 1000 TRC.

We will only be giving away 10,000 TRC so make sure that all of the bounty hasn't been claimed before you retweet.

We will try to keep on top how much has been claimed, but we all sleep at some point.

Please post a link to your retweet, your TRC address and the number of followers you have.  That way other people can see how much TRC has been claimed.

Have fun and thank you!

EDIT: This was posted on bitcointalk as well, so check between both for total TRC claimed.

All of the TRC has been claimed!

Coin Home / [ANN] Terracoin - Est. 2012
« on: October 17, 2016, 02:59:29 AM »

Updated 3.5.19

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