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Topics - TurkCo2017

Pages: [1]

Please Update to Ver 1.1 links below

“To tell the truth, we don’t need EU membership anymore,”

Since last year’s foiled coup, which triggered emergency rule, Turkey has expanded state guarantees to rush about $50 billion of lira loans to almost 300,000 businesses with little transparency over how the money is spent. The government has also pooled about $200 billion of assets into a wealth fund. That’s so it can borrow against its stakes in companies like Turkish Airlines and Turk Telekom to build popular big-ticket infrastructure that will further swell a budget deficit that’s already projected to be the highest since 2010. This is a NO to us now in the situation that arises so we therefore will continue with our plan of a new era to come from this with new wealth to turkey and it's citizens again.

Turk Services Being Offered.

Coin Building:

PoW Based coins - 0.1btc
Pos Based Coins - 0.1btc
Pow/Pos based coins - 0.15btc

Further Updates - 0.02btc


3 months - 0.02btc
6 months - 0.03btc
12 months - 0.05btc

Name = Turk

Ticker = TURK

Type = pow/pos hybrid going full pos

Max Outbound Connections = 48

Address Dump Interval = 5 Minutes

Checkpoint Span = 2978

Max Supply = 69 Billion

Seed nodes Implemented = 2

Initial Database Cache Size = 25 Megabyte

Block 100 - 999 = 69 Per Block
Block 1,000 - 2000 = 690 Per Block
block 2,001 - 2,499 = 69 Per Block
Block 2,500 - 3,000 = 6.9 Per Block
Block 3,000 - 6,000 = 69 Per Block
Block 6,001 - 6,969 = 6969 Per Block

Block 100 - 999 = 69 Percent Per Block
Block 1,000 - 2000 = 690 Percent Per Block
block 2,001 - 2,499 = 69 Percent Per Block
Block 2,500 - 3,000 = 6.9 Percent Per Block
Block 3,000 - 6,000 = 69 Percent Per Block
Block 6,001 - 6,969 = 6969 Percent Per Block

Block 6969 onwards = 69% per annual year

Transaction Fee = 0.001 Per kb
Transaction Confirmations = 3

Algorithm = x13

Modifier Interval = 18 mins

Target Timespan = 18 mins

block time = 69 seconds

Coinbase Maturity = 59 blocks

Last Pow Block = Block 6,969

Minimum Stake Age = 6 hours

Port = 16969

Rpc Port = 16968

Ver 1.1:

Pages: [1]
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