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Messages - posmonkey

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Premine percent    20%


Anyone know if the premine is being staked or not? hoping not so it not a waste of hash

it is definitely not staked!

"moneysupply" : 30302321.68976144,

is the actual amount. He holds 30 mil of it, if he would stake with this rewards it wont be 300.000 coins circulating!

really cool project =)

Coin Home / Re: [ANN] - BarberCash [BBH] | SHA-256 PoW/PoS
« on: October 27, 2017, 02:51:15 PM »
That's a low blow dev... You are not supposed to stake your premine...

Hey, all the conditions of DPOS are provided in details at 1 page spec here. Read carefully first. These terms were agreed with investors.

So you take each 2nd Block with your hell of Premine, you already staked from 304k up to 377k ? What is the point of that? You write nowhere what is going to happen with the Premine?

I cant understand people. The Idea of the project with DPOS is really cool and promising, but the point of multiplying premine is not understandable for me.

Coin Home / Re: [ANN] - BarberCash [BBH] | SHA-256 PoW/PoS
« on: October 26, 2017, 08:55:14 PM »
was a real promising project... but with a dev takin already 50k BBH from DPOS and eating all of the blocks its totaly uninteresting for me. Sorry.

Coin Home / Re: [ANN] - BarberCash [BBH] | SHA-256 PoW/PoS
« on: October 24, 2017, 11:40:53 AM »
is it really necessary that the Dev Wallet with the Premine is staking DPOS? :/

Coin Home / Re: [ANN] - BarberCash [BBH] | SHA-256 PoW/PoS
« on: October 21, 2017, 10:43:48 AM »
DPOS started ! Works great !

Just not sure about your POW - is it fnished now or not? You tell once that it ends at Block 2000 and then that the Block Rewards Continue til a way higher Block.

Coin Home / Re: [ANN] - BarberCash [BBH] | SHA-256 PoW/PoS
« on: October 18, 2017, 12:52:40 PM »
Or two. But take care, Diff is sick high at the moment

Coin Home / Re: [ANN] - BarberCash [BBH] | SHA-256 PoW/PoS
« on: October 18, 2017, 12:44:35 PM »


Username: your barbercoin wallet address
Password: anything
Algorithm: sha256

(difficulty 4096): stratum+tcp://
(difficulty 8192): stratum+tcp://
(difficulty 16384): stratum+tcp://
(difficulty 32768): stratum+tcp://
(difficulty 65536): stratum+tcp://

What about the REAL BIG Premine? I talked with so many big investors and all skip this Project because you hold 10 mil of the coins. How many Airdrops and Bounties you will make... its real easy, if you burn a lot of coins this could be real cool Project, otherwise its just one of many.

When the dev will burn some coins, this coin can go easy up to 10-20k satoshi.


Xios the new beginning! Privacy focused cryptocurrency with lighting fast payment confirmations. Xios is not an ICO or preminend. Xios is Re-establishing Satoshi Nakomoto’s Vision.
What is Xios?

Xios empowers the way we use crypto. Xios’ innovative privacy features and impeccable block size of 40 mb, easily accommodates millions of transactions effortlessly. Our Intergraded wallet technology provides users with E2E messaging, Stealth Mixer, and Stealth Addresses. Xios provides more than enough anonymity in addition to being an income source with our Masternodes POW/ POS functionality.

Total Coin Supply 21,000,000 coins
Algorithm Scrypt
Type PoW/PoS
Coin name Xios
Coin abbreviation XIOS
Address prefix 2
RPC port 37192
P2P port 37191

Block Rewards
1,333 coins rewarded from block 1 to 1440.
1441 to 3440 (33.3 coins)
3441 to 9441 (3.3 coins)
Forever mining at 1.33 coin block after block 9,442th-500,000th block
After that 1 coin per block forever
Maturity: 30 blocks
Target Block-time: 1 minute/block
Difficulty Re-Target: 4 blocks

Master Node Specs
Activates at Block 3441
Node Cost Amount:1,000
Node Rewards: 2/3 of 1 Xios Hipos [.666]
PoS Reward: 1/3 of 1 Xios Hipos    [.333]
Proof of stake begins : 1440 block
HiPos : 1
Minimum age: 1 hour
Maximum age : 365 Days
Premine percent 0%
Premine amount 0  coins

Mining pools available! ( Be Careful - Users Have Reported Issues )


PhantomX check your PM ;)

Premine 20% - "moneysupply" : 9435578.99667661, what is going to happen with those?

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